RE:FRAMED: Is revenge justified?




Often in our lives we are told to turn the other cheek or that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Karma seems like it never comes at opportune times and people get away with crimes all the time. In times of injustice, people like to take matters into their own hands and exact their own punishment. Others restrain themselves and instead allow the police to handle it. What’s appropriate for when?

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Fun-sized philanthropy


šŸ¾ PAWSE & PLAY ā–ŗ

As a student in a Honors English class, weā€™re assigned a year long project called the ā€˜What If? Projectā€™ where we come up with ideas we want to execute during the year to do something weā€™ve always wanted to change. My group with Ashley Truong and Michelle Phung, decided to make a little philanthropic charity where we come up with ideas to lift someone up in our community through the little ways, no charge.

It could be something simple like making homemade Valentine grams to be distributed with homemade cookies! Unfortunately, our plan did not execute correctly due to the fact that we came too late and did not plan the correct day.

*click to expand the pictures!*

However, it has come to me that we havenā€™t put a lot of time and effort into our project which explains why we couldnā€™t complete our first item in our agendaā€¦

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Re:Framed: Don’t judge a book by its cover

I’ve never before watched anime in my life. NotĀ even Dragon Ball Z. I’ve finally succumbed to the pressure and watched Attack on Titan. It’s been the best thing for me sinceĀ last weekend when I got 8 hours of sleep. I’ve never even though of joining that crowd and being associated with that culture and here’s a couple reasons why I changed my mind.


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Re:Framed: How to Get Your Point Across

With the new Common Core standards, students are expected to be able to communicate effectively. Sometimes even Honors kids have trouble doing that. What do we have to do to make sure we can present a point of view and make sure that people can absorb information efficiently? How do youĀ debate? How do you work in a team environment?


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Re:Framed: Self-Control

Image16We all struggle to achieve what we really want. Whether it’s life goals, a project, or exercise, they’re all difficult to make gains in and get things done. Sometimes we lack the willpower, the discipline, and the determination to accomplish what it is we need to get done.Ā There are several mindsets one can use to overcome procrastination. Continue reading

Quote of the day! :D

Hey guys! I have another great quote that I found and I think this would apply to everyone who may having something against someone they dont like!






“Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”-Buddha Continue reading

Quote of the day! :D

For those of you that are athletes try to think deeper to what the quote has to say!




“Civilize the mind, but make savage the body!”


There are some times in life we’re told that being calm can the most effective weapon during a match. Our what makes or break us. The mind is what tells us to either keep going or to stop because of this tiny pain. Our coach tells us as we do yoga to calm our minds everyday that if you think of pain, it’ll only grow. Though, once we can accept the fact and realize and ignore the pain, then we can go to our happy place and soon realize that we lasted A LOT longer than we though we could. That our mind is only what we make it, and that will determine the outcome of each situation!

Re: Falling in Love with 01001000 01100101 01110010

*BEFORE YOU READ. This post is slightly overdue because I started it a while ago and never got around to finishing it.*

*Caution, this post concerns a rated “R” movie, so if you can’t handle that stuff, well just read anyways… unless you hate spoilers, but I’ll try to keep those to a bare minimum. *

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Re:Framed: Do you have to be an avid reader to be a good writer?

Absolutely! It is one of the crucial ways to improve in writing. It is an art and the skill in it can only be honed and crafted by what you are exposed to. A limited selection or none at all of reading that you experience limitsĀ yourself as a storyteller. My English teacher always tells us that what we remember most are stories in presentations and that’s how you captivate an audience. Throwing a bunch of information will just ricochet off of somebody, but telling a tale is truly a unique way to share something.



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re:framed: How unreliable people are

First of all, I’d like to mention that I am the only one that has been posting on the blog in the month of January. I’m the person whose name is the only one that has been appearing at the bottom of a post. I’ve tried to get my other blog members to post and so far I’ve been unsuccessful. Asking nicely doesn’t work and neither does reminding them of our deadlines. I know that mentioning the readers won’t workĀ because they probably don’t care. How do you get other people to get engaged in a teamwork environment?



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